Optimizing Workplace Strategies in a Changing Market: Download the Roundtable Summary

Mobile App

The office management app designed for YOU. From interactive maps to booking services, our mobile app brings the power of the AVUITY system to the palm of your hand.
Mobile App Hero

We Empower Users and Improve Your Employee Experience

Extend the Benefits of AVUITY to Your Entire Team

  • Search for space with calendar availability or current occupancy based on sensor readings.
  • Filter by building, floor, amenities, and more to find the perfect space to suit your desired environment.
  • Sign out of spaces to free them up for others and initiate a cleaning.
  • Visualize your floor plan and space availability to aid users in leveraging your mobile work strategy.
Mobile App

AVUITY 2.0 is Live

Experience a refined office management app.

  • Upgraded and revamped user interface for easier use.
  • Find and book spaces in real time, set recurring meetings, and schedule workstation usage.
  • View details and photos of individual spaces, see available amenities, and see when they were last used.
  • Access an interactive map of your space, highlighting available and occupied space in real time.
  • Support your “return to work” protocols with an increased focus on space density, capacity, and visibility for your employees.


New Features

  • Book spaces via Search, Map, or Direct Scan.
  • Sort and group your teams by department and organize each with different protocols.
  • General Admission feature added to understand total occupancy for open space working.