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The Top 30 Questions AVUITY Can Answer for Corporate Leaders

The Top 30 Questions AVUITY Can Answer for Corporate Leaders

Leaders often ask: Are we using our space efficiently? Do we need all these desks? Why is it so hard to find an open conference room?

These are everyday questions, but many companies don’t realize they can be answered—objectively and in real time—with the right data. The right data can help you make smarter decisions about your workplace strategy, reduce costs, and create a better employee experience.

Key questions that AVUITY can help answer:

For Real Estate Teams

  1. How many employees are actually coming into the office? When and for how long?

  2. What’s the peak occupancy on any given day?

  3. Which meeting rooms are underutilized?

  4. How can we get more employees to come into the office?

  5. Are we leasing more space than we need?

  6. How often are desks and workstations occupied?

  7. How can we save on real estate costs?

  8. How is our CRE being used?

  9. How much space do we need?

  10. Do we have the right type of space? Is it meeting the demands of the business & employees? Do they like it?

  11. Which sites are performing better than others?

  12. Do I renew this lease?

  13. How do we rightsize our CRE portfolio?

For Facilities Teams

  1. Can we reduce energy costs by optimizing HVAC and lighting?

  2. Are certain teams or departments using space differently?

  3. Do we need to add more collaboration spaces?

  4. What are the busiest areas in our office?

For Workplace Experience Teams

  1. Are employees struggling to find available meeting rooms?

  2. How long do employees typically stay in a workspace?

  3. Are hot-desking policies being adopted successfully?

  4. Is there a pattern to how different office locations are used?

  5. Can we reconfigure office layouts to improve efficiency?

  6. What’s the average utilization of shared workspaces?

  7. Are employees spending more time in focus areas or open spaces?

  8. How can we better support hybrid work models?

  9. How do occupancy trends change seasonally?

  10. What data-driven decisions can we make to future-proof our workplace?

  11. Are employees productive in the current work environment?

  12. How do we retain more talent?

  13. Is our return to office (RTO) policy working?

For Employees

  1. Which meeting rooms are available?

  2. What meeting spaces meet my preferences including temperature, sound, and lighting?
  3. How do we get to the meeting room?

  4. Which hot desks are available today?

  5. Where can I find a quiet space to work?

  6. How busy is a specific amenity (such as the fitness center) right now?

  7. I may go to the office after my meeting, how busy is it and will I be alone?

With VuAI by AVUITY, you can get real-time, objective answers to these questions—helping you create a workplace that works for your people and your bottom line.

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